Monday, December 7, 2015

African women need the Afro Kitchen tradition

Trust me ladies, if you can cook like heaven's chef, practically every men on earth would love you and you will as well be able to build the shapes and postures you've ever wanted.

Let me tell you one reason why people engage in useless, unnecessary daily exercises.
It is because they will never COOK at home! They just want to do away with the tradition; which is helpful in many ways

Change your thinking. Get yourself mortars and pestles today, one for pepper, one for pounded yam, one for 'ogbonor' seed, etc,and see if you'll find it necessary running the streets or attending gyms.

The problem is, we live our lives too pretentiously to be like 'WHITES' and always want to define things too exotically leaving out those things attached to us and would hardly metamorphose even when we tend to ignore them.

The point of my whole junk is that, all these home chores some people avoid are as well 'exercises'. You want to look good?

Start pounding yam today.
You want to have good looking arms, grab the pestles today.
You want to have good looking round bum-bum like Kardashian, pound some yams today.
You want that thin belly and big hips? Pound pepper and vegetables.
You want nice curves, pound some onions and other spices.
You want big boobs, please, pound melon.
You want sexy laps and legs, just keep pounding yams.

Each comes in different size and shape. Altogether they serve different purposes in the kitchen and in your body. Some can help build your wrist, some build your waist, some improve hips sizes and many more functionalities you can't even imagine.

That is my recommendation for you.
Gym engagements could be stressful than kitchen engagements trust me

Men if your wives are fucking too lazy to cook for you, you are not married yet and the search hasn't ended. You'll keep searching for a good cook and one with good posture. If she doesn't want stress, she should go home and not to the gym.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


World AIDS Day

Government and health officials, non governmental organizations and individuals around the world observe the day, often with education on AIDS prevention and control.

Spread the WORD and not the VIRUS meanwhile don't stigmatize those living with the virus, you can't get it by living with them except you have sex with them or share materials that can cut through the skin with them.

A friend in the early hours of today said having anal sex with them can't promote transmission of the disease 😄😃 My friend you're wrong

Anal sex is the highest risk sexual behavior. Receptive anal sex “bottoming” is riskier than insertive anal sex “topping”.

Aids can be transmitted through the following

Pre-seminal fluid
Rectal fluids
Vaginal fluids
Breast milk

BUT NOT through

Air or water
Insects, including mosquitoes or ticks
Saliva, tears, or sweat
Casual contact, like shaking hands, hugging or sharing dishes/drinking glasses
Drinking fountains
Toilet seats
Swimming pools

Every 1st of December we raise the awareness, mourn those that have died of the disease and show love to those living with it.

The campaign continues, stronger,better and informative. When it started in 1988 it sounded as if those health professionals talking about it were clueless; when they said it has no cure. Later on those living with AIDS were stigmatized. But now we got more information than we had back then. So we can coexist in their midst without having issues except if....... LOL.....

Happy World AIDS Day

Monday, November 30, 2015


Self-injury is when you hurt yourself as a way of dealing with very difficult feelings, overwhelming situations, past experiences. It is when somebody intentionally damages or injures their body. It is usually a way of coping with or expressing overwhelming emotional distress.

However, the intention is to punish themselves, express their distress or relieve unbearable tension. It is a mixture of all in some cases. Many who injure themselves use it as a measure to cry for help.

The act looks much like suicidal, therefore it becomes very confusing and frightening for people who witnessed it but doesn't understand self-injury to figure it out.

Self injury involves the following behaviors

Burning oneself
Cutting the skin
Jumping from high-rise
Drug overdose
Punching oneself with objects

The causes of Self-Injury include

Financial worries
Sexual abuse
Physical abuse
Mental Health Problems
Relationship breakup
Recurring issues

However self-injury is bad but some individuals can't cope with certain emotional problems, they rather settle for a self inflicted injury on themselves as a means of transforming emotional pains into physical pains.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Advertisement has Concepts

Just wondering at the crass stupidity exhibited by the Vitamilk advert where a lady wax trapped in an accidented car, and a "superman" comes over, riding a bike and physically removes the door.

My thought

First, is the lady so stupid that she didn't realize that she could break the glass and get out?

Second, did the super-hero have to risk the vehicle going up in flames by doing a trial of strength, when he could have broken the glass and pulled her to safety?

Advertisements are used to grow your brand and stand out of the crowd.
To having an effective advertisement CREATIVITY is critical

The use of creativity to display an art which posses greater meaning than the capabilities of a product is absolutely wrong.
Knowing how to use creativity to deliver powerful messages is the key.

Think about advertising concepts and not JOKES.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Hillary Clinton wishes to amend the Affordable Care Act

“I want to build on and make improvements in the Affordable Care Act, and I will stand against any Republican effort to repeal because you know what the alternative is?
We’ll go back to the insurance companies making all the decisions.
If you’ve got a preexisting condition, you’ll be lucky if you can afford health insurance.
If you’re a woman, you’re going to pay more, because that’s what used to happen before we had the Affordable Care Act.
If you’re a young person up to the age of 26, you’re out of luck; you can’t be on your parents’ plan anymore.” — Hillary in South Carolina.

She concluded that the insurance policy wasn't a fair one; especially when the cases mentioned above is put into consideration. The government had to prescribe health insurance due to the fact that funding the health sector has an adverse effect on the country. In the other way round it has made it almost impossible for poor individuals that cannot afford health insurance to settle for self medications. It has helped in many ways especially through the Pay for Performance scheme.
Let's hope Hilary brings about a change that won't be a burden to the government, hospitals and patients.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Happy World Toilet Day

It is WTD

The spread of many transmitted diseases such as diarrhoea can be connected to a condition called environmental enteropathy which is caused by exposure to human feces.

Poor sanitation hygiene is dangerous to health. Hand washing basins must be provided to promote hand washing behaviors.

Having to defecate in the open infringes on human safety and dignity. Females find it difficult to use public toilets to avoid cases of rape in unsafe places where public toilets are located.

Having to hold urine in the bladder for many hours is dangerous to internal organs.

Today is WORLD TOILET DAY. Let's promote the creation of more toilets and ensure they are made clean and in secure places. Together we shall ensure our environment is clean and healthy also together we shall battle diseases that can be prevented instead of having to cure them when they sprout out.

Various forms of sexy toilets have emerged lately, I'm sure men won't find it irritating to hug big booties while they urinate but women might find it crazy sitting on a guy's lap while observing urination especially if was an animated one. 😄

Happy (WTD) World Toilet Day.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Don't ask too much

As humans most of us are always in dire need of help from each other and from the celestial being "God".
This has resulted in demading the necessary and unnecessary from the Creator, many believers are now caught asking for things that they do not need at the moment. We now see some of them praying and fasting for things that would be needed in their future.
The questions now is this; is it right or wrong to ask God for things that will be needed in the future?
Or based on the fact that God said ask and it shall be given, we can keep asking for things in excess even for days we do not know if we would yet live to witness?
NOTE: The soul may ask God for anything, and never fail because the asks for strenght needed for the moment only.
Praying, we usually ask too much. Sometimes we even demand. I think I am learning to ask enough for the moment not for the whole year, utterly veiled in mystery; not even for the week, the month ahead; but just for today.
Jesus said it all when He told us to pray: 'Give us this day our daily bread.
That bread is not only material, a combination of the physical and spiritual; in asking for it, we ask for a sufficiency of strength, courage, hope and light.
Enough courage for the step ahead not for the further miles. Enough strength for the immediate task or ordeal. Enough material gain to enable us to meet our daily obligations. Enough light to see the path right before our feet.
The field of asking is fundamentally improvisational. It thrives not in the creation of rules and etiquette but in the smashing of that etiquette.
Which is to say: there are no rules. Or, rather, there are plenty of rules, but honestly we got to follow the specification as given by Christ. Or has the specification been subjected to change without notice ? 
What do you have that the Lord didn’t provide?
What do you need that the Lord can’t provide?
Curiosity fueled our determination to keep questioning and wanting more, we had enough yet we can't perceive sufficiency.
Create a sacred space to learn more about your body and mind, go on a date with yourself and explore emotions, sensation, desires, dreams, and accept yourself as you are. By spending some time getting to know yourself better, you will know what you have, have to offer and, it will be easier to ask for what you want for the day.
Gather enough manna for this day and not for tomorrow. Gather for morrow and it'll rot.
All we needed the Lord has provided.

True lovE

True love isn’t found, It's Built So stop looking for true love, And start building one for yourself through 
= UNDERSTANDING..... & ( For d Ladies) Be Submissive regardless whatever 
(You'll then stop saying all men are the same by bringing out the best in them with ur attitude). Change! 
(As 4 u Men) Stop taking a soft Hearted & Submissive Woman 4 granted.


Finally Android 6.0 code named MARSHMALLOW is here.
Google announced the latest version of it mobile based operating system on Sept 29 at the Google I\O 2015
WoW .....the app drawer is beautiful. Now you have to scroll vertically also battery life has been improved upon with the a new function called DOZE.
App permission has been taking seriously, web experienced been buttered, finger print support and mobile payment through NFC just got better.
Google bringing so much improvement to the Android platform at every update.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Coffee inflates and deflates the breast.

There is a link between coffee and breast size which every woman must put into consideration.

According to researchers, three cups a day was enough to start making breasts shrink, with the effects increasing for every cup drunk.

There is a clear link between drinking coffee and smaller breasts as around half of all women possess a gene that has been shown to link breast size to coffee intake.

CYP1A2*1F is a gene that's associated with breast cancer. A woman with this gene will loose cleavage size, should she take much of caffeine while women without this gene will experience breast inflation.

Coffee-drinking women do not have to worry that their breasts will shrink to nothing overnight. They will get smaller, but the breasts aren't just going to be smaller but they'll become more succulent and the risk of having breast cancer will be reduced greatly.

This would serve as a disadvantage to women that would prefer to parade with gigantic bursts and a plus to those who prefer smaller bra cups.

So unless you believe your breasts are pyramid shaped, don’t worry too much about the coffee induced booby trap.

I remember a lady once said she's the one with the smallest burst in her family, when I investigated it was found that she was the only one taking COFFEE in her family.

Well it's not healthy having very big burst most especially if you possess CYP1A2*1F.

Since coffee inflates and deflates The breast. Isn't it's intake a measure to knowing your stand locally?
Don't entertain coffee if you want a big burst.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Motivation Theory

Motivation theory includes the ideas and doings with which employees are encouraged to do what is really expected of them. Motivation is the inspiration to work; it brings about determination through which an employee can achieve a tangible objective by fulfilling intrinsic needs, capturing attention, or hooking into evolved motivational systems. Motivation goes hand in hand with being equipped. Equipping refers to the provision of skills and materials, with which a job can be achieved, while motivation is from the inside, being equipped is the push from the outside. These two creates an atmosphere of confidence, fairness and hard-working.
A good manager must be able to motivate his\her workers effectively; some of the following practice might be embraced in order to achieve positive results.

1.Creating an atmosphere of respect and regard
2.Creating an effective problem solving method
3.Being strict and not harsh
4.Being approachable
5.Effective communication skills

If the above were established, there will be peace and cooperation, every worker will find it pleasing when coming to their office every day, results would be achieved and customers will be well attended to without delay and complains. It would be very easy for every worker to reflect on their practice as well and share good practice with their colleagues.

In every situation there is usually a challenge that lies ahead, but if it has been considered in the constitution of the organization then there would have been a provision that will ensure that when these future challenges surface they will not be as adverse as they ought to have been simply because they have been considered right from the start, this is an attribute of the quality organization.

Quality organization helps in many ways because it solves problems that have not been imminent. It helps to ensure that the right management theory is used; it also help during the time of hiring hands into the organization because the right kinds of persons are contracted. There is this type of management theory which is effective, it is known as the scientific theory; it is that which ensures that a worker is made a better worker through the use of trainings, workshops and more. It has been effective in places where it has been permitted. This is part of having a quality organization in place. Quality organization helps in achieving a mission and vision statement without lags or confusions if it is was in place.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Online Dating

In my office this morning i overhead the Secretary saying "online dating is stupid"
I giggled as i rocked my chair, then it was time to take a delve into the advantages and disadvantages of online dating.

In relic times, it was believed that the rightful places to meet with a responsible spouse are religious homes, office, parties and schools; bygone is such an era. Everyone is busy these days, coupled with the fact that many are computer literate in this era.
Online dating is an advantage for people who are uncomfortable about meeting people in public places, or who are new to an area.

These days, we use the internet for absolutely everything. Whether your shopping, reading the news, or connecting with loved ones, why not add dating to your online repertoire as well? What exactly is wrong with it?

Online dating is cool but we should also bear in mind that it has lots of disadvantages as freebies alongside.

When you meet and talk to people from an online dating site, you have less information to work off of. You don't know their friends and you can't ask around about them. The only way to overcome this disadvantage is to take your time when getting to know new people. Online dating saves plenty of time in the long run so don't be afraid to take your time in the beginning.

In real life you are usually able to only date one or two people at a time, but online you are able to “date” many more depending on your time on the computer, this is a great disadvantage because majority find it easy to break up with anyone they have picked from millons of potential match online but this could happen even if you never met online, imagine a person dating three to four persons in a school, office or religious home.

The reason that people choose online dating is the amount of choices you have. You can literally pick the perfect person from the millions out there in the dating pool. You won’t get those kinds of odds going to a club. You can pick the height, weight, hobbies, and anything else you want to find exactly what you are looking for. You may not find just one, there could be hundreds of potential life mates just at the click of a mouse.
Why lock yourself down with dating just one person? Online dating eliminates this problem. Browse through daters until you find someone special who really catches your eye. This is cool for those who are desperately in need of sexy postures and for those who wanted more.

Online dating has opened a huge door for all the people out there who have bad luck dating around in real life. People who are busy, are self-employed, live in small towns or just have bad luck in real life have benefited tremendously from the advantages offered by online dating.

Online dating enables you to meet with those that are in market, those that are in dire need of a spouse, but unfortunately there exist some persons online that have been married but on the outlook to taking advantages of singles that are desperate to getting a spouse.

Even so, the decision to try online dating shouldn't be made lightly. There are important disadvantages that you should consider before jumping in. The good news is that most of the disadvantages to online dating can be overcome by a little forethought.

Religion has always been against online dating because it has viewed it as a means to selling ourselves cheaply and a measure to displaying immortality. It was also viewed as a measure to making weakening marriages and that it constantly encourages break-up, since those involved have been left with the impression that there is more online. I could frantically remember how a pastor hated online dating and when i asked him he said it promotes infidels and liars.

Online dating is good but being desperate to getting a spouse online is risky, i personally feel those that met on social sites are less desperate compared with those that went further to signing up on a dating site where they are billed depending on the type of subscription they have chosen.
On the other hand religion was right but not absolutely right.
Everything depends on how you see it. Don't be desperate and demanding, you'll always get the best only if you use your senses.

A wise saying from a wise woman "You'll be alright after the loss" - Toke Sosan

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Deal with EGO

How our inner Ego sometimes misjudges a PERSON!!!

Just because someone is flashy or dresses flamboyant doesn't mean they are rich.
Just because someone acts holy and talks holy doesn't mean they have true relationship with God.
Just because someone has a beautiful face doesn't mean they have a beautiful heart.
Just because someone has dreadlocks on their head doesn't mean they are irresponsible.
Just because someone is gentle/quiet looking doesn't mean they ain't wicked.
Just because someone is a single mum doesn't make her a bad woman.

Most of the time we judge people by their outer appearance, which can be misleading. And in this impression, we tend to treat people badly by thinking they can do nothing for us. Never judge a book by it's cover.

Thus we tend to lose our potential good friends, employees or customers. I have been around for a while and I have seen alot. (Agba okan ogbon, Oluwa nise ogbon) meaning Age has nothing todo with wisdom ONLY GOD gives wisdom

Remember In our Life, we seldom get people with whom we want to share & grow our thought process. But because of our inner EGO we miss them forever.

Deal with your ego and most importantly try as much to understand people's predicaments before writing them off, most of the time we find it arduous to forgive people for their mistakes or probably the loss they have caused us. It will lead to a situation whereby we will find it herculean to deal with other friends, colleagues and strangers, but since we cannot do without them, we will  in an unacceptable manner.

Too much ego will kill your talent also leave your ego otherwise everyone will leave you.

Investigate the concept behind an error and not necessarily the error itself.

Things you should know before you cheat (Rod Arters)

It seems that every 3 months or so we learn of another celebrity caught cheating on his or her spouse. To say adultery is an epidemic in our current culture is an understatement. And it doesn’t seem to be a respecter of position. Regardless of what we do for a living, (Politicians, Pastors, teachers, athletes, actors, musicians, etc) cheaters are in our midst. It seems to be so prevalent today that the question isn’t who is cheating but rather – who isn’t?

Too many treat their most important relationships casually and their commitments to them as optional. Our microwave society mentality (quick and easy) has infiltrated our most sacred institution, marriage. Many cheaters try to justify their reasons for infidelity. To a cheater, their reasons make sense. Perfect sense. To those who have never strayed they just don’t understand why.

Our thirst for affairs has become so accepted and normal in our culture that most shows on television mention an infidelity reference somewhere throughout the episode. Not to be outdone, we even have a reality show (called Cheaters) that is designed to reveal an indiscretion and exploit the humiliation on national television. Honestly, I’m not sure which is worse – the immoral action of the cheater or the people who produce the show. The fact that the series is in its 12th season is an indictment against us. I’m not sure which is more devastating – discovering your lover’s unfaithfulness or discovering the crushing news at the same time as the train-wreck watching public.
We live in a very sad day and age. I have seen first-hand the destruction of adultery. Cheating devastates relationships and shatters dreams. If you have entertained the idea of cheating on your spouse or significant other, let this serve as your official warning.

Your handsome boss, cute office secretary or sultry neighbor down the street comes with a price tag that you cannot afford. Before you cheat here are 14 things you really need to know

1. You will become a liar. It’s bad enough to bear the title of “Cheater,” but if you cheat, you will also wear the hat of “Liar.” Cheating cannot occur without deceit on some level and normally the white lies in the beginning become full-fledged lies at the end. “ I’m working late at the office tonight ” may be a half-truth but you’ll need to redefine the word “working” to silence your compromised conscience. Cheating and lying go hand in hand.

2. You will get caught. It may not be today. It may not be tomorrow. But eventually, your affair will come to light. Your world will come crashing down on you. If you are fortunate, the story of your indiscretion may avoid the evening news or the front page of your local paper, but your circle of friends will know your deeds. And everyone likes to share juicy news. Your poor decision will become as public as a billboard. It’s not a matter of if but when. As Pastor Rick Warren tweeted recently, “ If the Director of the CIA can’t hide and cover up an affair, no one can .” As the Chinese proverb goes, “ If you don’t want anyone to know it, don’t do it.”

3. You will disappoint everyone. Everyone. Your spouse. Your friends. Your co-workers. Your God. Your parents. Your nephew. Your children. Yourself. The disappointment you cause will be like the stench of skunks and it will take a long time to remove the smell.

4. You will be a bad example. Everyone is either a good example or a bad example in all things that we do. Cheating is a not only a very bad example in relationships but brings with it a cloud of doubt that hovers over you in other areas of your life. If you cheated in one area, would you cheat in another?
Cheating communicates to everyone that you took the easy road. It tells others that you were willing to cut corners in your most primary relationship. It reveals that you were not willing to do the hard work and get the help you needed. No one ever admires a cheater. No one looks up to an adulterer. Even if you did a lifetime of good, this one bad deed can erase it all.

5. You will lose your moral authority. It’s hard to tell your children (or others) to do the right thing when they know you didn’t. Saying “ Do as I say, not as I do ” is the fastest way to lose the respect of others. Not only will you lose their respect, you’ll lose yours. Every moral judgment you make in the future will be weighed against your adulterous action of the past. It doesn’t mean you can’t speak the truth in the future, it just means that few will listen to you.

6. You will create trust issues for your spouse. Forever. You will single-handedly damage the precious self-esteem of the one you promised to love. Every relationship they have after you will be one that they struggle to trust. If that were not enough, you will rock the world of children and cause them to question the stability of every meaningful relationship they have. For children, their parents relationship is their anchor and cheating cuts the line.

7. You will lose your standard of living. Depending on what you do for a living, you may lose your job. Many lose their home. Most end up with enormous court fees since cheating is usually the precursor to divorce.
Betrayed spouses have a way of making you pay and that payment is always expensive. Every check you write is a constant reminder of your foolishness.

8. You will spend years trying to rebuild your life. Literally years. Even if you somehow weathered the storm financially, you will find it takes years for you to recover emotionally. It takes years for you to restore certain friendships, if you even do. It takes years for you to rebuild your character. It takes years to rebuild trust. It takes years to truly forgive yourself.

9. You will lose relationships. You will lose a LOT of relationships. Lifelong friends will walk away. Close friends that you have helped countless times will not be around to help you. Even some family members who are supposed to love you no matter what will vanish. A cheater can end up living a very lonely life. It’s hard for many people who used to call you friend to get past that skunk smell of disappointment.

10. You will increase your chances of getting an STD. Sexually transmitted diseases run rampant among promiscuous people. But your paramour is “clean,” right? After all, they told you so. And if there is one thing we all know – we can trust a cheater and their word. As the saying goes, “There is honor among thieves.” One helpful thought may be to assume that everyone but your spouse has an STD. That should curb your appetite for destruction.

11. The grass is not greener on the other side. The “grass is greener” idea is a common misconception. Because we have never been on that grass, we assume it must be better than where we currently stand. It’s not. In fact, though it may look greener from a distance – once you get there and make yourself comfortable, something interesting happens – the grass changes color. This usually happens soon after you get caught. You will then see that patch of land differently. You will also have a strange desire for the green grass you left… except now it is burned and won’t let you back. The best way to enjoy green grass is to water your own yard.

12. Would you want this done to you? Thieves like to steal wallets but hate when it’s done to them.
If we all lived by the Golden Rule (“Treat others the way you want to be treated .”) most of life’s problems would be solved overnight. Think about this action as if it were being done to you. The problem is that it requires thought and thinking is often the last thing a cheater has on his/her mind.

13. You will eventually regret this decision. In the heat of the moment, cheating appears to make sense. It feels good and sometimes even feels right. Feelings are deceitful. Soon afterward, your eyes will be opened and you will regret that you ever partook of the forbidden fruit.
Don’t we all have enough regrets in our lives? Why add another one – particularly one that can only destroy everything you have worked so hard to build? Your home may not be perfect but it sure beats living in a tent.

14. The pain outweighs the gain. No one ever says from their deathbed, I wish I would have had an affair. No one ever leaves their lawyer’s office with a smile on their face – grateful for the experience. No one loses dear friends and is glad they have one less Christmas card to receive this year. The loss is immeasurable. The pain can be unbearable. Entire kingdoms can be lost for a few minutes of pleasure. It is just not worth it.

As I read the Bible with a humble set of eyes these days, I see that the Book is filled with great men and women who have fallen in some pretty huge ways. God picks them up and uses them in spite of their past. I’ve come to learn that we all fall, just in different ways.

“ The Official blog of Rod Arters ."

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Sin is anything bad

Sin is every thing that is wrong. Sin is no laughing matter restricted to religion
alone. Sin is an Offence (against the divine law), transgression, iniquity, unrighteousness, wickedness, moral depravity, wrong, delinquency.
If moral depravity and wickedness have been found to be sinful acts then we should take to cognizance that sins are not against the divine law or being only. It must be estimated as any entity that's not accepted physically and spiritually; man and God alongside self and soul. 👍

The god of the moon in Sumerian mythology is also called sin. What a nomenclature?
I hope they won't use that as an opportunity to adopt heinous offences. 😀

ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORD (EHR) strengthened privacy, monitoring and precision.

Privacy is to be taken seriously, there are some vital information about patients that must not be permitted to reach the outside no matter the occurrence, everyone wants to feel secure and respected. Should some certain information be disclosed be it intentionally or unintentionally they will find it difficult to move around without covering up their faces, to be very realistic all records must be stored in a retrieval system whereby the can be safeguarded out of the reach of every persons.

As a matter of fact we know that confidential heath care is a human right enshrined in law, therefore it must be taken seriously, for if the health records of an individual is lost completely then such will not find healthcare secure and meaningful, people like to see their files and information kept for years even after a tenure when they are not going to need them anymore, it is now a thing of advantage that there has been various electronically methods of keeping information. As a body that is willing to comply with Health Care Information Systems we are aware that there are so much measures through which health care records can be kept without losing the information that has been provided by every patient. A patient needed his/her health information for future references and treatments therefore it would become an issue if it cannot be provided as at the time it was requested for. In some instances a law suit may be filed, since it would look like a breach of agreement.

Should a patient request for their health file or record and it cannot be provided due to the natural disaster that has destroyed the copies that have been kept, then the patient would be explained to by management and it would be assured to them that there is a kind of format used by the organization that could not be deciphered by anyone outside the health care organization. Also as a body that is not existing in relic times it must be right to have a soft copy of these files and also to accrue them from other health care sources especially since the introduction of Electronic Health Records, which has been prescribed to all health care sectors, it is a strong method of possessing patients information in ways with which they can be gathered even while the hospital in question has lost all the data it has derived from treatments and diagnosis. We know the essence of putting In place a database that works; therefore that is never going to be an issue should natural disasters occur, this will put hospitals ahead of those that have so much believed in the old modes of keeping records, the hard copies are usually voluminous and hard to maintain than soft copies. Possessing an online cloud will even make it so easy to get back all necessary files once they are requested for; if this is not in place then it will not be easy to derive, therefore it would be told to patients that the natural disaster has damaged all the files we ever had therefore we will try as much as possible to re-run diagnosis and ensure that we build an adequate and detailed health care record of their over a period of time, also they might be complemented with some freebies, so as to show that such was not done intentionally, and for the privacy they might nag over it would be explained to them how all of these files have been stored and that an ordinary person might not be able to have them in their useful state, the papyrus used will be one such that whenever water has a contact with it all the information in them would be wiped off, that should give them enough reason to smile and count on healthcare as being caring, competent and organized.

Teenagers must be seriously remembered in this occurrence because they are the sole group that does not like their health information to leak out even to the hands of their parents let alone to a stranger. A teenager who sits in a consulting room with his or her doctor can rely on their doctor to keep confidential any info they disclose except an exemption applies. So it would become a serious issue if their health information crept out of where they have been kept in order. As an organized body all of these must been included in the mission statement so that chaos will not rock the minds of patients also so that loyal customers will not flee over time just because of a natural disaster that occured all of a sudden then leave the vision statement hanging in jeopardy.

As for staff, the human resource department should not just bring in anyone that is not willing to work with the use of today’s technologies. Therefore those ones that are not capable of using electronic modes of saving their work will have to be trained on that also for others that are to be written on hard copies they will be brief and not detailed, such that should other persons pick it up they will have less meaning or become totally meaningless to them. Vital information should not be written or passed all over the hospital just like that, as a rule under privacy act it must be noted that the patient does not expect everyone to know the condition of his/her health except if such a patient has been consented, but even in this occasion it would be used for the treatment of some other persons or to discover new ways with which the ailment or disease the patient is suffering from can be discovered. So using electronic methods to store information have been discovered to be the easiest form of keeping them because they can be easily called upon when need be. As a modern health professional that is existing in this era he/she must possess knowledge of using electronic methods to saving health records.

Another is that in most circumstances the health professional must have been familiar with the health problems of the patients he/she treats on daily, monthly or quarterly basis, also in their offices there will be a data/information recording devices that will have the record of any patient they diagnose or treat intact, this would even mean less work for these health professional since they will not need to be calling for patients files every now and then, and as a measure to ensure that privacy is not breached the information recording device will not be the type on which data could be culled off such as using a pen/flash drive of other electronic memory cards. It would make it unique and give every patient the maximum confident that their information has been kept intact. Like in the case of natural that was discussed earlier the files in the records retaining device will not be lost. Therefore health professionals will be respected and free with their patients.

Permissions for uses and disclosures of facts about individual and their ailment and treatment are not to be shared except they are  permitted or required as stated by health care law, a covered entity may not use or disclose protected health information without a permission that is equitable under the law, meanwhile when a covered entity obtains or receives a legitimate permission for its use or disclosure of protected health information or report, such use or disclosure of preserved health information must be constant with such permission. Permission is not required in some instances such as in the cases listed below.

1.Uses by the creator of the analysis for treatment
2.Uses for training programs in which trainees learn under the supervision to practice and improve their skills in group or individual counseling
3.Use or disclosure by the covered entity to defend itself in a legal action or other proceedings brought by the individual.

But for every other use permission from patient is expected to be granted before usage, some might agree to without any terms with the physician while other might decide to give conditions with which such facts can be used. If disclosures are done without following the necessary procedures then the owner of the record has the right to take it up in the law court for the charge of breaching over privacy. Every health professional is expected to know the basis of disclosing health information and they are to follow the legal procedures so as to keep them from facing the wrath or the law.

They will be trained to follow the supposed trails as directed by Electronic Health Records (EHR), instead of Electronic Medical record that is prepared and dwells within the place where they are gathered alone. EHR is the best method since it involves interaction with other health care organizations.

To achieve one’s management plans it should be known that one cannot succeed without having the right mission with which the vision can be achieved. At first the environment must have been studied to know if there will be the achievement of the organization’s plan. How can the management plan be achieved when the right hands have not been hired, the right type of hands must be employed. This could only emanate from such a setting only if the company is organized right from the start. There is nothing difficult in achieving a wonderful management if the right principles were adopted.

Health care has not been a static entity, so much changes has been made in health care, most of which are benefitting to the hospitals, professional health care workers and patients alongside. It has also marked merit for the health care industry. In the last 10 years there has been the introduction of modern health care facilities which helps to facilitate the delivery of health care services.

Technological advancement has also crept into health care which has made it easier for health professionals to carry out their function in a better way with the maximum amount of precision. There is the use of syringes that are being controlled electronically by computers; much type of machines have been discovered and introduced by scientist which have made monitoring of patients easier and faster. This is not the area in which health care has developed, if health care facilities are considered, it would be identified that these facilities are better built, attractive and serving purposes. There are many electronically operated doors, beds, wheel chairs and more.
Cameras are now used in every ward and waiting rooms so as to monitor and to record the way health care is being dispensed, this alone has helped to ensure that every health professional is not doing the wrong thing or treating patients in a manner that is not accepted by the patients or that is out of health care ethics.

All of these are enough to ensure that a patient health records are intact and in order, therefore no matter the incidence healthcare is yet ahead. Modern health care organization must be able to harness all that they have got in place.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Teenager Healthcare (privacy)

It was believed and backed up by law that confidential heath care is the right of every human and failure to respect this term would mean breaking the law.
An assistance has no right to release any record without informing the administrator, this could mean that the data has lost its security and that all records kept in the supposed system are not well guarded thereby content of many or all the records kept might have been accessed by the assistant or someone else without consenting the owners of such information.
Should the assistant release the record without consenting the administrator then the admin could sue him or her for data violation in the court of law.
A teenager is considered to be a soft minded individual that could easily be made to change their mind even in the wrong direction; the teenager should not be asked to request the record except they decided on their own but should such occur a discussion with the teenager about informing or involving his or her parents must be met but in a careful manner so as not to breach privacy which could lead to teenagers refusing treatments in future time.
Any part of the record is to be kept confidential though this section may exclude some amount of fact that can be shared with parents but these parts are the parts that will not breach the privacy rule, healthcare professional might await court order before releasing health records of teenagers.
The parents have right over their children to an extent because adolescents too wanted a private life they are not willing to share all of their day to day activities with their parents let alone health matters, they also rely on their doctors to keep all infomation that have been disclose or gathered through diagnosis confidential except; should an exemption applies just as adult too would.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Leadership is not Management

Leadership has been continually mistaken to be synonymous with management, but if they are looked into properly it would be discovered that there exist a great difference between these two, many make the mistake of understanding a leader as one that leads while others had to follow and that managers are leaders too because they have people follow their prompts. Many articles have not helped matters with the way they consider the two.

A leader is one that leads a group of people or country, he innovates, and he is the spearhead. He creates a business sense/idea and is willing to do all in his capacity to ensure the idea works. Therefore leadership has got to do with power; a leader has followers and does not possess subordinates except for a leader that is as well a manager, leadership cares about the ability to realize achievements.

A manager is a person that has subordinates; he has other people or group working for him. A manager ensures that a result is achieved. He manages people to enable the realization of the foresight of the leader, a manager can be said to be reactive.

Management is all about administering and ensuring that the day to day activities are occurring as they ought to. To round up with the definition of a manager, we must understand that a manager manages work.
A very good example can be seen in a workgroup and if the citation is delved into properly it would be understood that there are not just differences but great differences between these two compared entities.

The owner of the business is the leader, he has created it to ensure a goal is achieved at a given time, and his concern is based on who is right, he inspires everyone but just for the sake of achieving the supposed goal, he is able to set a direction at any point in time. He employs the manager in order for the manager to help him in the areas he could not touch, these areas comprises of the aspects whereby the manager manages work efficiently in other to ensure a group of every unit they manage comes out with meaningful results that will be soothing to the leader.

The manager hired us, do you remember? He organizes various meetings and trainings to ensure that we get our purposes right and to ensure that risks are limited; the manager is usually or continually concerned about results. You were once issued a query for not doing your job properly, is that not so? It came from the manager because he knew that lag will not enable you to come out with outstanding results. Sometimes we complain that the manager is not fair on us, but it could be understood that he wants to ensure that the money we earn is properly worked for. The work rules, standards and operation procedures are functions of our manager.

A leader is more concerned with the vision statement while a manager is concerned with the mission statement. Leadership wants to ensure the future aim is earned with the help of a manager who can do as much to make it a reality by using wits and manpower available at his disposal to ensure a productivity is earned.

By now you should have been able to distinguish the differences between leadership and management. They look similar if only you consider a manager as a leader or view it from the perspective of how a small firm merges both functions in one person, so as to cut costs.

Quality employee, Quality organization

The relationship between quality employees and quality organization can never be neglected because together they bring about a feet sweeping achievement. It will be essential to be organized in the appropriate order because it leads to employing the right kind of hands that will be needed to foresee a particular task or position effectively. Having quality organization leads to the achievement of the vision statement. Being organized appropriately will help ease the stress of workers As to what is to be done at a point in time also it will hasten productivity. And for managers it would become very easy to control every team and employees toward achieving goals.

Having quality employees is the second best thing that could help an organization. This is the sole entity that can enable an organization to achieving the laid goals that has been envisaged in the mission statement. Quality employees bring about great reputation to any organization where they are present. It must be understood also that quality employees needed a quality organization where they can show off their potential, should a very good instructor work in an institution that was not properly organized then all his/her effort might be meaningless since other workers might not be playing their part accordingly.
Quality employee does not just put out maximum effort to tackle difficult task but also understands the ideal reason behind maintaining the quality organization that has been in place.

Quality organization goes with quality employees simply because a quality organization has all it takes to ensure that an employee becomes a better and perform at optimal level, they achieve this feat through the use of trainings and workshops and more. Every employee dream is to work in a quality organization and vice versa.


An elitist is a person who believes in a rule that was created by an elite group, thence such could be termed as a moralist. An elitist believes that a rule that was engendered by elites does not deserve a modification nor would it be right to protest against such move, therefore as in the case of a committee where he/she belongs, if the amount that has been amassed for winning a campaign and defeating other candidates are declared by the elite in the group he/she will accede to the principle on which such spending was based upon. Meanwhile an elitist will not see it as a business but rather as a social interest group.

On the other hand, a pluralistic fellow is one that believes in social system based on mutual respect for each other’s cultures among various groups that make up a society wherein any subordinate group or groups do not have to forsake their lifestyles but rather can express their culture and participate in the larger society free of prejudice.

A pluralistic person will definitely find it abnormal especially as it will involves spending money for the purpose of defeating a candidate. It will make such decision to retard because it involves people that cannot forsake their lifestyles nor culture; also whatsoever rule that has been created for the sole purpose of winning a campaign will be opposed or challenged, modifications would be made every now and then which would eventually shatter the vision and mission of the group.

The elitists will definitely fill the role because they hardly criticize rules that has been made by the elites in their group, therefore the fund allocated for the purpose of winning a campaign will be respected as well regarded as the ideal solution.

Being a pluralist is good because there will be no rule for partisanship, every individual is respected and treated fairly, be it that such an individual is from opposition party or from theirs, should any fund be set aside to counter opposition it would be seen as a political prejudice and a smear to their primary objective as well as an infringement on human right and political agendas. Therefore, a pluralist will not befit such a circumstance.

Any organization will definitely appreciate having elitists in their group because it will help create an environment of ease and peace to their primary ambition on which the group was established; the elitists are surrounded by the idea that each rule created is hierarchal and has been well considered and documented as at the time it was established by the elites in the group.

A pluralist make things difficult to achieve in all aspect of life they are present. The norm is editing ideas and not making the most use of opportunities. An elitist will follow instructions as given and will ensure that he defends whatever he believes (that which have been discussed).

If the husband is an elitist and the wife a pluralist there will be lots of argument everyday. Such home will be interesting for the man; but should it be the other way round the woman will be unhappy

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Technology in health-care

Health care has not been a static entity, so much changes has been made in health care, most of which are benefitting to the hospitals, professional health care workers and the patient alongside. It has also marked merit for the health care industry.
In the last 10 years there has been the introduction of modern health care facilities which helps to facilitate the delivery of health care services. Technological advancement has crept into health care which has made it easier for health professionals to carry out their function in a better way with the maximum amount of precision. There is now the use of syringes that are being controlled electronically by computers, many types of machines have been dicsovered by scientist which makes monitoring of patients easier. This is not the only area in which health care has developed, if health care facilities are considered, it would be identified that these facilities are better built, attractive and serving purposes. There are many electronically operated doors, beds, wheel chairs amd more. Cameras are now used in every patient ward and waiting rooms so as to monitor the way health care is being dispensed, this alone has helped to ensure that every health professional is not doing the wrong thing or treating patients in a manner that is not accepted by the patients or that is out of health care ethics.

In the next ten years there will be more development because technology has not stopped proving of its usefulness in health care, these days we have got enough of evidences that could convince us all that there lies potent discoveries. Soon enough health professionals will have less to do than their machines would. In the next ten years, we should be prepared to witness machines that could detect ailments/anomallies in the body system and give out the accurate treatment/drug prediction when a patient is examined under such a device. According to the world at large flying cars are meant to be launched/introduced by 2015, therefore i see new type of emergency vans being used instead of the one in use today, also architectural designs would take a different shape in the next ten years, the roof would be included as a means of getting into hospitals when these flying emergency vans are emberaced. Health care in the United States craves over reaching all the population at the point of their need without leaving anybody out, it would become achieved because information will be able to reach many people easily and most of all diagnosis and treatments will become lot easier. The future of health care is brighter than one could imagine.

In this industry i planned to be a life saver, one that can help people whenever they are in need, also i so much like the idea of enlightening people on how much their health is important to not even thenselves alone but to the government too, most people do not know how to prevent themselves from contracting uncalled for diseases, majority fall for it because of negligence. As an elite in the field i will like to carry everyone rhat comes my way along most of all i will like to illuminate them with simple methods they could apply which would not enable them contract communicable diseases.

As a matter of fact, in this world the hardest thing is not adaptation, most individuals are professionals but are shy of talking to their patients on things that could in-turn put then on the right track.

I want to be a success in the industry, i will want any group or team in which i find myself to work deligently so that we can save more lives that it was in the past. What is the essence of speed when a man has lost his ways? I have learnt my skills and have trained mself on how best i could apply it wherever i find myself in the health care industry. As health care professionals we have inherited new difficulties because we have inherited more privileges, failure to deal with these priviledges would mean flaws. As a health care professional i will do all i can to ensure i do all that i am supposed to do in order to achieve positive results. Virtually everyone on earth believes unless you try to do something beyond what you have mastered, you will never grow. I am in support of this saying which explains why i am energertic enough to anything on the field of professionalism that would ensure positive results are earned in all my endeavours. Trust is like a mirror once its broken it cannot be fixed back, i will ensure that i keep all that is meant to be patients privacy and will not dare breach them, so they will not lost confidence in me.

Over the course of my program my perception has changed totally, in the past years i do see health care as something that one do to earn a living but i have been made to understand in the course of this program that saving lives is the most important entity in health care. I am not the same person anymore, in the past i am not conscious of how i eat, drink and even relate with people in the populace. This culture has thought me a lot that can never be taken away from me. I feel whole after the whole course. If there is anything i must say it should be that i am grateful.

Technology like i have said earlier has not seized discovering new ideas and new techniques to doing things in a more convenient and faster way. The more we know, the greater our ability to learn, and the faster we expand our knowledge base. In the next decade technology would have unearthed new machines, electrical equipment and computational equipment. Wait time will be reduced to almost zero level most of all it will then take patients few minutes to be attended to fully and joyfully.

The cost of health care services would be high in the future years, compared to what it is in at the moment, patients palce under scrutiny with a computer is most like going to pay much more than those under the srutiny of human. this would be as a result of more machines to maintain, financially the health care industry cannot go down the drain because it is making enough money which can be used to run the sector should government refuses to go on with the support. Financially the health care industry is doing very well that it scares the living day lights. The adverse effect is that people will get health care services at a higher cost but it would be of high quality compared to what they are getting today.

In conclusion i will like to say that more advancement is coming into health care, more understanding is on its way, work-load will be reduced for health professionals and patients will get qualitative treatments at the speed of light.

When you consider the many advances of recent years, it’s impossible not to see the growing footprint of consumerism in the daily operations of the modern medical practice. What’s truly remarkable is how many of these changes and improvements have resulted from technological progress, and how many more will be further advanced by technology. Patients are more empowered than ever to research their symptoms and diagnoses to better understand their medical conditions.

Complain ?

I think it’s natural for people to complain. Everyday we’re faced with a lot of reasons to complain: they shouldn’t be doing this they should be doing that, it shouldn't be this much, shouldn't be this little, etc.

Having the occasional complaint is fine. To expect a life without complaining (by you or others) is unrealistic.

Lack of empathy leads to complain. A lot of times we complain because we lack empathy for others. Think about this: You complain that someone isn’t getting things right, they should be doing it this way because that’s what we would do if
we were in that position. When we lack empathy we aren’t able to fully put ourself in the other persons place. We don’t know the thoughts going through their head or what other complexities they are facing in their lives as at that point in time.

Some people are just genuinely unhappy. They will refuse to find joy in any/every aspect of their life and when you do so much to please them you'll end up being the source of their unhappiness. Genuinely unhappy people will settle for a complain as a measure to express their dissatisfaction with their life and in many situations it’s used as a coping mechanism as well. Always remember that life is not a race for material things be grateful always.

Complain today and complain tomorrow leads to tiredness
Tiredness kills the spirit of going on
Tired today and Tired tomorrow leads to fed up.
Fed up leads to laziness; laziness to being stagnant then to unseriousness which will eventually lead to RESIGNATION

Be grateful, be constructive when expressing your dissatisfaction and change your perspective. Turn that energy into something positive.

Mission s Vision

Mission statements and Vision statements are usually confused with each other but they serve disparate purposes.

A mission statement has to do with the entities which a company or group wants right away but the vision statement describe the entities which a company or a group want in the future.

A mission statement is used to achieve a vision statement. Mission statements make a company unique and different from each other, it enables us to know what a company does and offer

Vision statements for a company or organization focuses on the potential inherent in the company's future or what they intend to become; it talks more about where the company want to be in future time alongside it's purposes. It enables the employee to be inspired, know how to behave and relate to clients.

A mission statement might affect how much time an employee spend at work on daily basis and how much overtime he/she has to experience sometimes while a vision statement talks about how much years and transfers an employee has to experience. A mission statement can be changed over time especially when the environment is not favorable, there are instances where by it would be edited or re-written so as to create a better gateway to achieving the Vision that has been ideated.

A good Vision statement must be brief, help to define goals and must contain something to work towards in the future.
Without a good Mission statement it will be impossible to push a company to where it wants to be in the future.

Without a vision a mission will be useless and a complete waste of time. This isn't applicable in the corporate environment only but in every aspect of our lives; i.e marriages, relationships, belief (religion) and more. When the vision is blur or look like it can't be achieved, just edit your mission statement, many fail because they don't know the difference between a mission and vision.
Without considering the end point of all our feat before getting them started makes us nothing but fools, quitters and time wasters. Get a good vision and mission statement today.

Attitude be read ?

How to read a person's character
Considering that we're humans and it would be very difficult to read our minds. As a matter of fact it has been unearthed that we find it difficult to read our own minds effectively.

These 4 elements might help us read a person's mind

Graphical Attitudes
Periodical Attitudes
Qualitative Attitudes
Quantitative Attitudes

While graphical refers to the things a person does physically, periodical prefers to the regular things/events in the persons character, qualitative deals with the accredited characters in such a person and quantitative will help define how active the person is.

The problem is that once the qualitative expectation wasn't met most readers will draw a conclusion that such a person is bad and useless.

Unfortunately ATTITUTE is everything, change your attitude and change your life.
If attitudes can be improved on then whichever evaluation can as well become useless in no time.

You can not read anyone since we're not static because the reading that has been found to be accurate today will become inaccurate in few years time.

Just in case

If you wake up one day, only to discover that your whole life has been recorded and was going to be shown in a cimena.

How will you feel watching your past?
Most especially if you've not changed. Yeah it has been understood that people change over time but what if you'd gone worse ?

I'm sure I had lots of crazy, heinous and stupid stuffs I did in the past, also I'm sure no one will be bored out cos it'll be action packed, lastly I've changed for the better.

What about you ?

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Is orgasm important?

I was pondering this as I was watching the March 19 episode of Nightline, where they did a segment on female orgasm .They even showed researchers observing a woman's brain activity as she brought herself to orgasm while in an MRI machine.
The physical ecstasy of orgasm is indeed profound. Nothing, Quite compares.

Ironically, in the same segment, they said that upwards of 75% of women do not have an orgasm during intercourse.

Now some questions kept me pondering the more.
Since 75% of women have not been able to reach orgasm during sexual intercoure. Does it mean they do not enjoy sex with their husbands?
And for those 25% that were able to attain orgasm; does it mean the sexual exercise that ensued between them and their husbands were more rigorous?

A scientist at the Nightline said wives should stop thinking about orgasm. Does it mean only the husbands should reach theirs? He added that orgasm in women isn't the prerequisite to child bearing. I expected some of those women on the program to pounce on him but none of them fired back.

Through sexual intimacy, God meant for a man and woman to get "stuck" together, so to speak. He just meant for that to happen after they have first made a verbal marital vow to stay together.

Sexual intimacy that is nurtured endears a husband and wife to one another. Husbands and Wives are nicer to each other when they pay close attention to their sexual intimacy. They will have greater appreciation for the sheer amount of effort it takes to do life together. Sex helps equip us emotionally, mentally and physically. Plus it's a heck of a lot of fun!!

Of course, this is why sex outside of marriage is so horrendously destructive and why sex within marriage is so amazingly vital. If you're finding it difficult to enjoy sex in your marriages, you both can seek medical admonitions, let your spouse know your expectations during these times and help each other to get the best out of these moments.

The clitoris serves no other purpose but sexual pleasure in a woman, in case she hasn't found orgasm you can fond the CLITORIS

To bring this to an abrupt end, it should be understood that sexual pleasures is something that is very important in marriage. For religious fanatics I will use this medium to say it isn't a sin to find better ways to pleasing your spouses. Try find a better way to doing it and the relationship between you both will be amazing and sincere. I know you will get bored if she/he isn't an good in bed but don't seek sexual pleasures outside your marriage. Orgasm in women is as well important.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Salvation yet free

There are no struggles in the things of God
It is not possible to call without believing and it is not possible to believe without hearing. They hear through prophets and how could they become prophets without being saints.

Belief is strongest when it is put in practice

Christ brought us Salvation

Thursday, April 2, 2015

After you'd left

Let your character speak even long after you'd left

We see in the dark
We see through walls
& back in time
CHARACTERS are more like thermal signatures
In case you acted wrongly in an ENVIRONMENT. Thermal imaging equipment can detect them long after you'd left

I see useless people forming like they're essentials of life
Let your signatures speak after leaving a place or set of people

It is a must that we exit a place or position, even on earth we can't parade forever.


CHARACTER inversely proportional to RESEMBLANCE and directly proportional to RESPONSIBILITY and equals ENVIRONMENT while in constant with DISCIPLINE

LOOK like your father and BEHAVE like mama both 'll be in partial ratio to ABSOLUTE you; and your RESPONSIBILITY will be a product of your ENVIRONMENT which will be in constant with your DISCOURSE

People do not drift toward holiness. Apart from grace-driven effort, people do not gravitate toward godliness, prayer, obedience to Scripture, faith, and delight in the Lord. We drift toward compromise and call it tolerance; we drift toward disobedience and call it freedom; we drift toward superstition and call it faith. We cherish the indiscipline of lost self-control and call it relaxation; we slouch toward prayerlessness and delude ourselves into thinking we have escaped legalism; we slide toward godlessness and convince ourselves we have been liberated.

The weak are also the strongest

The weak is a term that must be understood in the institution of God. He called those who believe and surrender all to Him "the weak".
Imagine you giving all your possession to someone or looking all in a fire accident or to something else. I hope you knew that with the occurrence you have become a weak person. God strengthen His own people and deliver them from all tides of the world. There are so much to gain from serving God in truth and in spirit.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Sexual desires in marriage

Many women in marriages complained bitterly about not reaching climax during sexual intercourse in their marriages. Some said their husbands don't have the accurate penile sizes while others crave over rigorous sexual activities.

Some therefore decided to seek sexual pleasures from men other than their husbands which is nothing but a sinful act; some went for sex toys while the rest settled for various forms of masturbation {solo and mutual}.

I’ve often asserted that I believe solo masturbation to be sinful

So, what do you do if you can’t climax during sex? While I believe solo masturbation is sinful, I have also mentioned that I believe that mutual masturbation is not.

So, if you can’t orgasm from sex, I see no issue with you achieving climax, by your own hands even, with your spouse, even better, let him participate. He can touch, kiss, squeeze, pinch, whatever you like, to help you “get there”. Just because he has had an orgasm and is “out of commission” for a bit, doesn’t make him useless. Another option would be to include sex toys into your intercourse time.

For as much as those whose husbands lack large penile sizes, it would be amazing if you can try various positions during intercourse. You might have fat laps which will not allow full penetration. Trying a position that will enable you both get rid of the barrier would come handy. You can get Kamasutra for a better explanation.

Depending on the position, you can sometimes fit a vibrator between you, and in the case of something like a We-Vibe , which is designed for couples, you don’t even have to hold it in place. This can help assist you in achieving orgasm during sex, if that’s something you desire.

Lastly, just because you have difficulty, or even find it impossible, to reach orgasm during sex at this point in your marriage, that doesn’t mean it will always be so.
Orgasm patterns change based on a great many factors: relationship, experience, hormones, season of life, fitness, water intake, how recent you last exercised, what you’ve eaten lately, and many more. Don’t give up hope.

Don't become an infidel because you don't have the accurate orientation.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Who's leading ?

WE must follow the electoral law. 25% of each state is important. Buhari might get millions in some states and end up not winning IF he fails to get at least 3 more 25% in some states.
Buhari must get 25% in 24 states. Now you understand the electoral law?
So now with all the figures Buhari and Jonathan are contending.
There is contention. So far, Jonathan and Buhari are having a serious contention.
25% win with Buhari. That is the technicality.
If you are so keen for Buhari. Pray Buhari win 24 states with his 25% because Jonathan might not allow him get his 24th they might give him 23rd.
After 16 states & FCT
GEJ 6 states + FCT
GMB 10 states

GEJ 5,379,410

GMB 7,958,043

25% states
GEJ 13
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Saturday, March 28, 2015

God's work?

Does God's work necessarily involves vows of chastity, atonement of sins, self flagellation and self denials?

God's work demand a lot more
Yes, it does.  This could be said to be so because God wanted people to worship Him in truth and in spirit, if God wasn't worshipped this way then it would be almost impossible to do God's work. As human we do our own bidding and leave God out of the setup. We want to handle things in our own way, yet we want God to entrust His Kingdom purposes into our hands.
Absolutely not going to be possible.
That was culled from Angels and Demons. Great book from Dan Brown