Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Attitude be read ?

How to read a person's character
Considering that we're humans and it would be very difficult to read our minds. As a matter of fact it has been unearthed that we find it difficult to read our own minds effectively.

These 4 elements might help us read a person's mind

Graphical Attitudes
Periodical Attitudes
Qualitative Attitudes
Quantitative Attitudes

While graphical refers to the things a person does physically, periodical prefers to the regular things/events in the persons character, qualitative deals with the accredited characters in such a person and quantitative will help define how active the person is.

The problem is that once the qualitative expectation wasn't met most readers will draw a conclusion that such a person is bad and useless.

Unfortunately ATTITUTE is everything, change your attitude and change your life.
If attitudes can be improved on then whichever evaluation can as well become useless in no time.

You can not read anyone since we're not static because the reading that has been found to be accurate today will become inaccurate in few years time.

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