Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Leadership is not Management

Leadership has been continually mistaken to be synonymous with management, but if they are looked into properly it would be discovered that there exist a great difference between these two, many make the mistake of understanding a leader as one that leads while others had to follow and that managers are leaders too because they have people follow their prompts. Many articles have not helped matters with the way they consider the two.

A leader is one that leads a group of people or country, he innovates, and he is the spearhead. He creates a business sense/idea and is willing to do all in his capacity to ensure the idea works. Therefore leadership has got to do with power; a leader has followers and does not possess subordinates except for a leader that is as well a manager, leadership cares about the ability to realize achievements.

A manager is a person that has subordinates; he has other people or group working for him. A manager ensures that a result is achieved. He manages people to enable the realization of the foresight of the leader, a manager can be said to be reactive.

Management is all about administering and ensuring that the day to day activities are occurring as they ought to. To round up with the definition of a manager, we must understand that a manager manages work.
A very good example can be seen in a workgroup and if the citation is delved into properly it would be understood that there are not just differences but great differences between these two compared entities.

The owner of the business is the leader, he has created it to ensure a goal is achieved at a given time, and his concern is based on who is right, he inspires everyone but just for the sake of achieving the supposed goal, he is able to set a direction at any point in time. He employs the manager in order for the manager to help him in the areas he could not touch, these areas comprises of the aspects whereby the manager manages work efficiently in other to ensure a group of every unit they manage comes out with meaningful results that will be soothing to the leader.

The manager hired us, do you remember? He organizes various meetings and trainings to ensure that we get our purposes right and to ensure that risks are limited; the manager is usually or continually concerned about results. You were once issued a query for not doing your job properly, is that not so? It came from the manager because he knew that lag will not enable you to come out with outstanding results. Sometimes we complain that the manager is not fair on us, but it could be understood that he wants to ensure that the money we earn is properly worked for. The work rules, standards and operation procedures are functions of our manager.

A leader is more concerned with the vision statement while a manager is concerned with the mission statement. Leadership wants to ensure the future aim is earned with the help of a manager who can do as much to make it a reality by using wits and manpower available at his disposal to ensure a productivity is earned.

By now you should have been able to distinguish the differences between leadership and management. They look similar if only you consider a manager as a leader or view it from the perspective of how a small firm merges both functions in one person, so as to cut costs.

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