Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Technology in health-care

Health care has not been a static entity, so much changes has been made in health care, most of which are benefitting to the hospitals, professional health care workers and the patient alongside. It has also marked merit for the health care industry.
In the last 10 years there has been the introduction of modern health care facilities which helps to facilitate the delivery of health care services. Technological advancement has crept into health care which has made it easier for health professionals to carry out their function in a better way with the maximum amount of precision. There is now the use of syringes that are being controlled electronically by computers, many types of machines have been dicsovered by scientist which makes monitoring of patients easier. This is not the only area in which health care has developed, if health care facilities are considered, it would be identified that these facilities are better built, attractive and serving purposes. There are many electronically operated doors, beds, wheel chairs amd more. Cameras are now used in every patient ward and waiting rooms so as to monitor the way health care is being dispensed, this alone has helped to ensure that every health professional is not doing the wrong thing or treating patients in a manner that is not accepted by the patients or that is out of health care ethics.

In the next ten years there will be more development because technology has not stopped proving of its usefulness in health care, these days we have got enough of evidences that could convince us all that there lies potent discoveries. Soon enough health professionals will have less to do than their machines would. In the next ten years, we should be prepared to witness machines that could detect ailments/anomallies in the body system and give out the accurate treatment/drug prediction when a patient is examined under such a device. According to the world at large flying cars are meant to be launched/introduced by 2015, therefore i see new type of emergency vans being used instead of the one in use today, also architectural designs would take a different shape in the next ten years, the roof would be included as a means of getting into hospitals when these flying emergency vans are emberaced. Health care in the United States craves over reaching all the population at the point of their need without leaving anybody out, it would become achieved because information will be able to reach many people easily and most of all diagnosis and treatments will become lot easier. The future of health care is brighter than one could imagine.

In this industry i planned to be a life saver, one that can help people whenever they are in need, also i so much like the idea of enlightening people on how much their health is important to not even thenselves alone but to the government too, most people do not know how to prevent themselves from contracting uncalled for diseases, majority fall for it because of negligence. As an elite in the field i will like to carry everyone rhat comes my way along most of all i will like to illuminate them with simple methods they could apply which would not enable them contract communicable diseases.

As a matter of fact, in this world the hardest thing is not adaptation, most individuals are professionals but are shy of talking to their patients on things that could in-turn put then on the right track.

I want to be a success in the industry, i will want any group or team in which i find myself to work deligently so that we can save more lives that it was in the past. What is the essence of speed when a man has lost his ways? I have learnt my skills and have trained mself on how best i could apply it wherever i find myself in the health care industry. As health care professionals we have inherited new difficulties because we have inherited more privileges, failure to deal with these priviledges would mean flaws. As a health care professional i will do all i can to ensure i do all that i am supposed to do in order to achieve positive results. Virtually everyone on earth believes unless you try to do something beyond what you have mastered, you will never grow. I am in support of this saying which explains why i am energertic enough to anything on the field of professionalism that would ensure positive results are earned in all my endeavours. Trust is like a mirror once its broken it cannot be fixed back, i will ensure that i keep all that is meant to be patients privacy and will not dare breach them, so they will not lost confidence in me.

Over the course of my program my perception has changed totally, in the past years i do see health care as something that one do to earn a living but i have been made to understand in the course of this program that saving lives is the most important entity in health care. I am not the same person anymore, in the past i am not conscious of how i eat, drink and even relate with people in the populace. This culture has thought me a lot that can never be taken away from me. I feel whole after the whole course. If there is anything i must say it should be that i am grateful.

Technology like i have said earlier has not seized discovering new ideas and new techniques to doing things in a more convenient and faster way. The more we know, the greater our ability to learn, and the faster we expand our knowledge base. In the next decade technology would have unearthed new machines, electrical equipment and computational equipment. Wait time will be reduced to almost zero level most of all it will then take patients few minutes to be attended to fully and joyfully.

The cost of health care services would be high in the future years, compared to what it is in at the moment, patients palce under scrutiny with a computer is most like going to pay much more than those under the srutiny of human. this would be as a result of more machines to maintain, financially the health care industry cannot go down the drain because it is making enough money which can be used to run the sector should government refuses to go on with the support. Financially the health care industry is doing very well that it scares the living day lights. The adverse effect is that people will get health care services at a higher cost but it would be of high quality compared to what they are getting today.

In conclusion i will like to say that more advancement is coming into health care, more understanding is on its way, work-load will be reduced for health professionals and patients will get qualitative treatments at the speed of light.

When you consider the many advances of recent years, it’s impossible not to see the growing footprint of consumerism in the daily operations of the modern medical practice. What’s truly remarkable is how many of these changes and improvements have resulted from technological progress, and how many more will be further advanced by technology. Patients are more empowered than ever to research their symptoms and diagnoses to better understand their medical conditions.

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