Wednesday, April 8, 2015


An elitist is a person who believes in a rule that was created by an elite group, thence such could be termed as a moralist. An elitist believes that a rule that was engendered by elites does not deserve a modification nor would it be right to protest against such move, therefore as in the case of a committee where he/she belongs, if the amount that has been amassed for winning a campaign and defeating other candidates are declared by the elite in the group he/she will accede to the principle on which such spending was based upon. Meanwhile an elitist will not see it as a business but rather as a social interest group.

On the other hand, a pluralistic fellow is one that believes in social system based on mutual respect for each other’s cultures among various groups that make up a society wherein any subordinate group or groups do not have to forsake their lifestyles but rather can express their culture and participate in the larger society free of prejudice.

A pluralistic person will definitely find it abnormal especially as it will involves spending money for the purpose of defeating a candidate. It will make such decision to retard because it involves people that cannot forsake their lifestyles nor culture; also whatsoever rule that has been created for the sole purpose of winning a campaign will be opposed or challenged, modifications would be made every now and then which would eventually shatter the vision and mission of the group.

The elitists will definitely fill the role because they hardly criticize rules that has been made by the elites in their group, therefore the fund allocated for the purpose of winning a campaign will be respected as well regarded as the ideal solution.

Being a pluralist is good because there will be no rule for partisanship, every individual is respected and treated fairly, be it that such an individual is from opposition party or from theirs, should any fund be set aside to counter opposition it would be seen as a political prejudice and a smear to their primary objective as well as an infringement on human right and political agendas. Therefore, a pluralist will not befit such a circumstance.

Any organization will definitely appreciate having elitists in their group because it will help create an environment of ease and peace to their primary ambition on which the group was established; the elitists are surrounded by the idea that each rule created is hierarchal and has been well considered and documented as at the time it was established by the elites in the group.

A pluralist make things difficult to achieve in all aspect of life they are present. The norm is editing ideas and not making the most use of opportunities. An elitist will follow instructions as given and will ensure that he defends whatever he believes (that which have been discussed).

If the husband is an elitist and the wife a pluralist there will be lots of argument everyday. Such home will be interesting for the man; but should it be the other way round the woman will be unhappy

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