Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Hillary Clinton wishes to amend the Affordable Care Act

“I want to build on and make improvements in the Affordable Care Act, and I will stand against any Republican effort to repeal because you know what the alternative is?
We’ll go back to the insurance companies making all the decisions.
If you’ve got a preexisting condition, you’ll be lucky if you can afford health insurance.
If you’re a woman, you’re going to pay more, because that’s what used to happen before we had the Affordable Care Act.
If you’re a young person up to the age of 26, you’re out of luck; you can’t be on your parents’ plan anymore.” — Hillary in South Carolina.

She concluded that the insurance policy wasn't a fair one; especially when the cases mentioned above is put into consideration. The government had to prescribe health insurance due to the fact that funding the health sector has an adverse effect on the country. In the other way round it has made it almost impossible for poor individuals that cannot afford health insurance to settle for self medications. It has helped in many ways especially through the Pay for Performance scheme.
Let's hope Hilary brings about a change that won't be a burden to the government, hospitals and patients.

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